FBC Missions
Aside from our giving to SBC North American and International Missions, First Baptist, Clanton, has partnered with missionaries in Zambia (Wes and Laurie Wilcox), Ecuador (Gary and Dena Pate), and New York (Nathan and Leslie Tubbs).
Latest update from Pate Ministries:
Greetings, it’s almost summer here and COVID is very low. News from the Mountain Bible Clubs: The Lord has done great things with the Bible clubs in the mountains for the last eight years, but the time has come for us to turn over the mountain Bible clubs to the Ecuadorian leaders in the house churches and expand the ministry to the Coast. We have been preparing the believers in the house churches by mentoring, discipling, and training them for this transition. They are very capable, prepared and super excited for the opportunity to lead their own people to the Gospel through these Bible clubs. Please know that we are not quitting the mountain clubs, they will continue through the house church leaders, but our focus will be on equipping them to do the work. We will continue to follow up with the leaders weekly and join them in the mountains for a week, each quarter. We are supplying them with everything they need to hold the Bible clubs, such as technology, Bible lesson plans, craft supplies and snacks. As a testimony of their readiness, a few of the house church members started Bible clubs, without us, in their own neighborhoods, to the Glory of God.
We feel like God has opened new doors and is using us in the same way that He used Paul. For when Paul would travel to Corinth, Ephesus, etc., the cities in which he worked, he never lived in those cities permanently, however, he raised up believers in each city to reach their own people. Friends, we feel strongly that this is how God is using us at this time.
What’s the plan?
Beginning in 2022, we will move to the Pacific Coast, full-time, along with Andrés, his family and Rebecca! Some years ago, God burdened our hearts for the people along the coast, where there are hundreds of very poor fishing villages with very little to no evangelical presence. We started taking our E-team to the coast in April, for one week each month to hold Coastal Bible clubs. We held 8, once a month Bible clubs in 7 fishing villages and 1 surf village. We can have up to six hundred children and eighty adults each month. Please pray for us!
You can subscribe and see more video updates on our YouTube channel at Pate ministries.
Please forgive me of any of my grammar or spelling errors.
2 Corinthians 4:5
For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.
For The Children Ecuador Inc., DBA Pate Ministries
Gary Pate
P O Box 893
Callahan, FL 32011
Ecuador # 0995292886
US & Vontage Phone 904-879-1396